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  • 17/12/23

    Newsletter, 17th December 2023

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well. As we enter our final week of the calendar year we can look back on a busy and successful week last week and look forward to festivities in school in the week to come. Christmas Jumper Day – Friday 22nd December As is now tradi...
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  • 10/12/23

    Newsletter, 10th December 2023

    Good afternoon,  I hope that you and your family are well. We are beginning to feel festive here at Westfield School having hosted a Christmas Festival for children from local infant and primary schools this afternoon. More on this and other exciting events in this week’s newsletter...
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  • 03/12/23

    Newsletter, 3rd December 2023

    Good afternoon,  I hope that you and your family are well. The freezing weather that has marked the start of December has not stopped lots of exciting things happening at Westfield School this week.  White Ribbon Day 2023  Over the last few weeks, we have been working closely...
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  • 27/11/23

    Autism in Schools Project

    The next meeting will take place in school on Tuesday 12th December at 10am.
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  • 26/11/23

    Newsletter, 26th November 2023

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well. Here at Westfield School our Year 11 students have successfully completed their mock exams, sports fixtures continue to come thick and fast and lots of students are looking forward to their upcoming rewards trips. Year 7 Football Wel...
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  • 19/11/23

    Newsletter, 19th November 2023

    Good afternoon,  I hope that you and your family are well. In this week’s newsletter we reflect on a successful mock exams week for Year 11 and look back at an exciting event for members of our science club.  Year 11 Mock Exams  As expected, our Year...
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  • 12/11/23

    Newsletter, 12th November 2023

    Good afternoon,  I hope that you and your family are well. We are looking forward to a busy week here at Westfield as our Year 11 students continue with the mock exams that began with French and Spanish speaking exams this week.  Year 11 Mock Exams  Many of our students have...
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  • 05/11/23

    Newsletter, 5th November 2023

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well and that you are enjoying a happy and safe bonfire weekend! ATL & Reward Trips All our students have now received their Attitude To Learning reports from last half-term and have been using Personal Development Time (form time) to...
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  • 30/10/23

    Autism in Schools Project

    The next meeting will take place in school on Thursday 16th November at 10am.
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  • 24/10/23

    Newsletter, 24th October 2023

    Good morning, I hope that you and your family are well, and that all our students are enjoying a restful half-term break. Our first half-term of the 2023/24 school year ended very positively here at Westfield despite the very wet weather brought by Storm Babet on the final Friday of term. At one...
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  • 24/10/23

    October Update 2: Feedback to students on their behaviour

    Thank you for taking the time to view our second October Update. This update covers how we provide positively framed feedback to our students around their behaviour & attitude to learning. It encompasses our approach to celebrating and rewarding positive behaviours, and how we offer feedback to...
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  • 24/10/23

    October Update 1: Maximising Lesson Time

    Thank you for taking the time to view our first October Update. This update focusses on our plans to ensure we are maximising lesson time for our students, through a clear and concise approach to punctuality. It builds on our introduction of The Westfield Way and also details how and when...
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