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  • 22/07/24

    Newsletter, 19 July 2024

    Dear Parents and Carers I hope you are looking forward to the summer break and to spending time together with your family. If you need to contact us during the holidays, please use the email which will be monitored each week.
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  • 23/06/24

    Newsletter, 24th June 2024

    Good morning, I hope that you and your family are well and enjoying the opportunity to finally take advantage of some beautiful summer weather. There is much to report here at Westfield as we approach the final weeks of the academic year. Year 11 Exams Thank you and well done to our awesome...
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  • 10/05/24

    Newsletter, 10th May 2024

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well. We have reached the most important part of our school year as our Year 11 students have begun their GCSE exams. Over the past few weeks students have been involved in art exams and the languages speaking exams, and this week began written...
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  • 28/03/24

    Newsletter, 28th March 2024

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well. I am sure that all our students are looking forward to a well-earned break over the Easter period, and I hope you will all find the opportunity to spend time together as families. Year 11 Parent Meetings Thank you to those Year 11 st...
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  • 22/03/24

    Newsletter, 22nd March 2024

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well. We are rapidly approaching the end of another long and busy term, and as ever there has been a lot happening in school, with much to celebrate! University of Cambridge workshop This Thursday, a group of year 9 and ten students had th...
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  • 08/03/24

    Newsletter, 8th March 2024

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well and that you are enjoying the first days of spring. There is a lot to report once again from a very busy Westfield School! Year 11 Apprenticeships On Thursday 20 of our Y11 students visited Hillsborough for one of Sheffield’s bi...
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  • 01/03/24

    Newsletter, 1st March 2024

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well. It has been a little while since we updated you on the many exciting things happening here at Westfield and therefore this week’s newsletter is a bumper edition, with news of careers learning, sporting success and parental feedback...
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  • 02/02/24

    Newsletter, 2nd February 2024

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well. It has been another busy and exciting week at Westfield, with visiting speakers, a maths challenge, drama workshops, mock exams and parents’ evenings all on the menu… and more to come next week! Year 9 Options Evening Th...
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  • 28/01/24

    Newsletter, 28th January 2024

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well. It feels somewhat unbelievable that we are close to the end of January already and beginning to look forward to the second phase of the spring term! As ever, there has been a lot going on in and out of school, and lots of developments to k...
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  • 21/01/24

    Newsletter, 21st January 2024

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well. Our busy start to 2024 continues here at Westfield School. In this week’s newsletter we look back on exciting music workshops and bouldering trips and look forward to Year 10 mocks and Year 9 parents’ evening next week. Year...
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  • 14/01/24

    Newsletter, 14th January 2024

    Good afternoon, Happy New Year! I hope that you and your family are well and that all our students have enjoyed a positive first week back at school. In assemblies this week, we fed-back to our students on the progress they made last term and revisited our vision of Outstanding Achievement for Al...
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  • 28/12/23

    Newsletter, 28th December 2023

    Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family are well and that you have enjoyed a very happy and restful Christmas. I know from speaking to our students that many families have exciting things planned for the new year, with visits from family and trips abroad planned for some. Return to Sch...
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