Newsletter, 30th June 2023
Published on 30/06/23

Good afternoon,
I hope that you and your family are well. I will be writing to all parents/carers this afternoon to share our Ofsted report that has now been finalised and will be published on Ofsted's website in the coming days.
NEU Strikes
Unfortunately there remains no resolution to the dispute between members of the NEU and the Government, and therefore our school will be closed to students next week on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July, which are national days of action. Planned geography field trips, Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions, and Year 10 languages mock speaking exams will go ahead as planned on these days and colleagues will contact families of the students involved directly.
Should any families of children receiving Free School Meals wish to order lunch 'grab bags' on these days, they can do so here.
Exciting Events
So many of our students have enjoyed taking part in exciting events this week. Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have enjoyed celebratory trips to Alton Towers in recognition of their exceptional Attitudes to Learning. Students in Year 10 completed mock exams on Wednesday and then enjoyed college taster days on Thursday and Friday where they took part in sessions designed to replicate the A-level or vocational courses they may access post-16. A group of Year 9 students are enjoying a residential trip to London. And today our Sports Leaders have led a Sports Day at Waterthorpe Infant School. Well done, and thank you to all the students involved in these events.
School Uniform
A reminder that we have made changes to our uniform policy that will be implemented from September. The uniform page of our website has now been updated to reflect these changes.
As you will be aware, students may choose to waer a Westfield sweatshirt or continue to wear v-neck Westfield jumpers or Westfield blazers over their white or black polo-shirts. Some of our uniform suppliers have discounted blazers and v-neck jumpers to very affordable prices:
With many thanks for your ongoing excellent support.
Joe Birkbeck
Head of Westfield School