Newsletter, 2nd February 2024
Published on 02/02/24

Good afternoon,
I hope that you and your family are well. It has been another busy and exciting week at Westfield, with visiting speakers, a maths challenge, drama workshops, mock exams and parents’ evenings all on the menu… and more to come next week!
Year 9 Options Evening
Thank you to the huge number of Year 9 students and their families who joined us for yesterday’s Parents’ Evening, which was very much focused on the subjects students may opt to study as they move into Year 10. I spoke to many students who were giving very careful thought to how the subjects they choose now will help to shape their lives and careers in the future, and it was a privilege to hear about the incredible ambitions of our students. Year 9 students have until Friday 23rd February to decide on their choices and submit their options form to their form tutor in Personal Development Time.
Year 11 Mock Exams and Revision Evening
A reminder that Year 11 mock exams begin after February half term. Our Year 11s continue to work hard in preparation for these exams, and we look forward to welcoming Year 11 students and their families to our revision evening on Thursday of next week. Some families may have already attended one our revision evenings previously, however if you have not yet attended one of the evenings, or if you would like a ‘refresher’ on how best to plan and implement a revision timetable, please ensure you book your place. Mrs Halliday has already shared communication on how to book.
Speakers For Schools: Architecture
On Wednesday a group of our Year 10 students enjoyed a fantastic morning when we were joined by guests from Speakers for Schools – with the focus of this visit being on careers in architecture. So many of the students who attended left the session inspired to follow this career path, and our visiting architects were delighted with the engagement from our students. Well done, everyone!
UKMT Maths Challenge
On Wednesday, 120 students from Year 9 and Year 10 participated in the UKMT Maths Challenge. It was fantastic to see our students fully engaged in tackling all the problem-solving questions presented. As some of you may know, this competition holds significance on a national level. We eagerly anticipate the possibility of receiving certificates for our students' achievements in the near future.
Heat of the Moment
On Tuesday of next week we will welcome visitors from South Yorkshire Fire Service to Westfield to give a presentation to our Year 8 students called Heat of the Moment. Heat of the Moment highlights the dangers of arson and hoax calls and considers the consequences of fire setting behaviour. It encourages young people to take responsibility for their own actions and also includes health and wellbeing and water safety messages.
Stamps – You Said, We Did
Ms Palethorpe and Ms Bowler have updated the way that we use stamps to reward our students in response to student voice. In addition to the rewards we currently offer in recognition of the stamps students earn in lessons, we will now take a tiered approach to rewards linked to stamps.
Students earning 400 or more stamps in a term will receive a certificate. Those earning 500 or more will also receive a sweet treat! Those receiving 600 or more this term will receive an Easter egg. And those receiving 700 or more will receive a VIP invite to our annual rewards trip to Alton Towers.
Students can earn up to 3 stamps every lesson. The first stamp is issued for being Ready to Learn and engaging in the first phase of the lesson. The second is for engaging in learning and following the Westfield Way all lesson. And a third stamp can be awarded for going ‘above and beyond’ with effort in the lesson. Additional stamps can be earned for attending enrichment activities.
Sports Leaders Opportunities
Well done to our amazing Sports Leaders who today led a swimming gala for students from our local primary schools. Next week, Mr Francis will begin the process of letting students in years 8 to 10 know how to apply to become a Sports Leader. We look forward to receiving lots of applications.
With many thanks for your ongoing excellent support,
Joe Birkbeck
Head of Westfield School