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GCSE Drama

Title of qualification

GCSE Drama

Exam Board


what will i learn?

The GCSE for drama is split into 3 components:

  • Component 1: Devising
  • Component 2: Performance from text
  • Component 3: Theatre makers in practice

Component 1

For this component you will work in groups to create a piece of original work from a stimulus. You will also analyse and evaluate the devising process and performance in a written portfolio.

Component 2

For this component you will be expected to perform two key extracts from a script and will be assessed on your performance skills and ability to communicate meaning and artistic intention to an audience.

Component 3

For this you will be assessed on your understanding of drama in a written exam consisting of two sections. In section A you will be answering questions on an extract we have studied practically and you will answer questions from the perspective of an actor, director and designer (set/costume/lighting). In section B you will answer two questions evaluating a piece of live theatre we have seen and discussed in lessons. You can take in up to 500 words of notes to the exam on the live theatre performance.


how will i be assessed?

  • Component 1: Devising - This will make up 40% of the course and will be assessed in school and recorded for evidence.
  • Component 2: Performance from text - This will make up 20% of the qualification and will be assessed by a visiting examiner.
  • Component 3: Theatre makers in practice - This will make up the final 40% of the qualification and will be assessed through a written exam in two sections. Section A: Bringing texts to life which consists of five questions ranging from short to extended responses. Section B: Live theatre evaluation which will consist of two questions both requiring extended responses.


what skills do i need?

To be successful on this course you will need:

  • Teamwork - you will be required to work in pairs or groups throughout the course, these may be chosen by the teacher to ensure you get the best out of the course.
  • Openminded and willing to try - you will be asked to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new styles and ways of working to develop you into a well rounded performer and give you the experiences needed to excel on the course.
  • Being willing to perform in front of your class and audiences made up of your pees, family and friends.
  • Your FSVB skills from KS3 - Face, Space, Voice and Body.
  • Hardworking and motivated - you will need to be hardworking, respectful and uphold excellent behaviour standards at all times. In order to achieve highly you will need to be motivated and dedicated. Effort is rewarded with achievement.


what are the entry requirements?

There are no specific entry requirements for GCSE Drama, however, you must be interested in drama and understand that you will be required to perform your work regularly to the class.