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Years 7, 8 & 9 English

What will students be studying?

Each year the students will study the following text types:

  • Non fiction.
  • 20th century fiction.
  • Pre 20th century fiction.
  • Shakespeare.
  • Poetry.

What will students do?

Over the year they will study the above topic areas. Across the year, they will be tested on writing, reading, speaking and listening skills that will begin to build up to the skills needed for GCSE English Language and Literature. Our aim is also to ensure students study a wide variety of texts, building up knowledge of literature and literary heritage, alongside building a wide and academic vocabulary. We also aim to further their love of reading and engagement with literature.


What can I do to support my child?

Encourage your child to read books and articles. These could be linked to a current topic being studied or just reading on a topic they are interested in. Like in primary a minimum of 20 minutes a day really helps them progress in reading whilst also supporting their acquisition of a wider vocabulary. Use interactive online resources to further their learning at home and ensure they complete all homework set.