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Years 7-9 Music

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. Music lessons will engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. Students will work collaboratively to develop performance, composing and listening skills, with a focus on the elements of music throughout Year’s 7, 8 and 9. Students will develop teamwork and leadership skills within a creative environment, becoming proficient using music technology to create, record and edit their own musical compositions and performances. Students are given the opportunity to showcase their work throughout the year.

Students will explore three main themes throughout Key Stage 3 focusing on:

  • World musical cultures.
  • Music and the media.
  • Popular music styles.

They will be taught to:

  • Develop personal and transferable skills needed to be successful, no matter what they go on to do, such as confidence, creativity, communication and team work.
  • Play and perform confidently in a range of solo and ensemble contexts using their voice, playing instruments fluently and with accuracy and expression.
  • Improvise and compose; and extend and develop musical ideas by drawing on a range of musical structures, styles, genres and traditions.
  • Use relevant notations appropriately and accurately in a range of musical styles & genres.
  • Listen with increasing.


Programme of Study

Students are baseline tested on their ability in music composition and music performance.
Students will be given the task to develop their own compositions and will have to perform these to each other. The baseline tests are used to gain an insight into the practical ability of Y7 students and focus primarily on the elements of music which are later developed throughout the year.


Learning objectives

‘To learn how to compose & perform simple rhythms accurately’, ‘Develop your own group body percussion performance’, ‘Know how to structure your musical performance’.

Skills are then developed in the three areas:

  • Exploring compositional techniques (based on rhythm).
  • Developing the confidence to perform (working as an ensemble).
  • Extending and structuring musical ideas, reviewing the success and reflecting on areas to develop.



  • Practice keeping to a steady pulse for longer.
  • Showing awareness of how different musical parts fit together (including their own).
  • Explore using clear signals to start and stop a performance.
  • Planning out simple structures to musical ideas.

Suggested Reading List

  • BBC Bitesize Music KS3
  • Music theory grade 1 exam
  • Rock School Grades 1- 5