Remote learning
Top tips for remote learning
Here are some useful tips for remote learning:
- How to set up your remote learning so you take care of yourself.
- Safety guidance about online learning.
Remote learning timetable
- Students should follow their normal school timetable when undertaking remote learning.
- They should log in ready to access their lesson for period 1 each day by 09.00AM, and then continue to log into each lesson following their normal timetable until lessons end at 14.40.
Our remote learning commitment
You can view full details in our document about our Remote Learning Commitment here.
How students can access remote learning
- We use Microsoft Teams to provide remote learning.
- All students have now received training in how to use Teams to access remote learning.
- The videos below guide you through using the Teams app:
How to access work on teams when working remotely or self-isolating
How to download and log on to teams
Need IT support?
For help with any IT issue please see our IT support page here.